A distillery in Scotland

Ooops.... Sorry, this section of Malt Madness has
been moved to a new location - a subdirectory on
the Malt Madness server. There you can find the
profiles on all malt whisky distilleries in Scotland,
as well as a Scotch whisky map with the locations
of all those distilleries (as well as grain distilleries).
This website is updated quite irregularly - but you
can simply join the MM mailinglist if you'd like to
receive regular updates about whisky & this site.

Or.... jump to the new overview of Scotch whisky distilleries for an up-to-date overview. When
I write this, I still need to refresh a few profiles on Scotch whisky distilleries, but once I'm done
with the profiles for the active and recently closed distilleries in Scotland I'll probably cast my eye
towards Ireland, Japan & other whisky producing countries. The interactive Scotch whisky map
will keep its focus firmly on Scotland though... If you move your mouse across the map you can
see some basic information about the distillery that your cursor is hovering above, so to speak.
It sounds more complicated than it is, probably... ;-)

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The 'distillery data' section is an important part of the Malt Madness web site, but if you
check out the sitemap you'll find out that there's much more to this site than meets the eye.
Like a Beginner's Guide to malt whisky and the Liquid Log that I use for tasting notes
and general musings on malt whisky. And you can follow me on Twitter to stay informed.

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